Options Fundamentals

  1. Intrinsic Value:

    • The intrinsic value of an option is the real, tangible value it holds based on the current price of the underlying asset. It represents how much profit an option would generate if exercised immediately.

  2. Time Value:

    • Time value (also known as extrinsic value) represents the additional worth of an option beyond its intrinsic value. It accounts for factors such as time remaining until expiration and market volatility.

    • As an option approaches its expiration date, its time value diminishes. This is because the chance of significant price movements decreases.

  3. Expiration Dates:

    • Options have fixed expiration dates. Understanding these dates is crucial:

      • European-style options: These can only be exercised on the expiration date itself.

      • American-style options: These can be exercised at any time before or on the expiration date.

    • The expiration date impacts an option's value. The longer the time until expiration, the higher the time value. Remember that mastering these concepts is essential for successful options trading. Take the time to study and practice, and always consider risk management strategies.

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